How to Give to the School of Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Your gift supports students, critical research, and communities, far and wide, that benefit from all the School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences offers. Philanthropic support helps us fulfill our mission of educating students from diverse backgrounds while fostering new research and innovations that can help feed the world, prevent illness, and conserve precious resources. Through your gift, you become part of something special.
Donate to Scholarship Funding
More than 30 percent of students at the University of Arizona come from a household where neither parent attended college. For many of these families, helping a child achieve the dream of getting a college diploma is a financial challenge or may be impossible. Scholarship funding can make an enormous difference in the lives of these students. If you are interested in supporting student achievement, please consider donating to a scholarship fund. You can also establish a scholarship in your name or in honor of a loved one.
Support Teacher & Research Faculty
Philanthropic gifts help our school hire and retain exceptional faculty – educators who skillfully train the next generation of innovators and leaders and who conduct groundbreaking research. Your gift to a program endowment or an endowed chair position can help ensure that the School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences continues to attract and retain faculty members who have earned national distinction in their fields.
Give Today!
There are many ways you can support the programs that are most meaningful to you. To learn more, visit our university giving page. Additionally, the School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Services is part of the University of Arizona’s College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences (CALES), so to learn more about support tailored to CALES, visit our college giving page.