Animal Science Degree

B.S. in Animal Sciences

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Transform your interest in animals into a rewarding career an animal sciences degree. The B.S. in Animal Sciences is a popular option for students who plan to pursue careers as livestock production managers, breeding managers, animal caretakers, and veterinarians.

Our animal sciences program empowers you to address challenges in the animal industry through a blend of classroom learning and opportunities to work in labs, internships and field settings. You'll develop the skills and confidence needed to pursue post-graduate studies or careers in animal sciences, spanning areas such as livestock management, animal breeding, race track industry and equine science.

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Why major in Animal Sciences?

Animals aren't just pets or wild creatures you see in nature. You understand their diversity of use from companionship, to food, to entertainment, and you want to explore how animals, science, and business can work together to further industry, education, and environmental and human health. In the animal sciences program, you'll work alongside faculty and industry partners to learn how animals play a pivotal role in policy, culture and society.

An animal sciences degree will prepare you to work in production animal agriculture, companion animal associated industries, research, or the health sciences. It also serves as a springboard into graduate, medical, veterinary, law, or pharmacy school. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for the animal science careers in the agriculture and food industry was $76,400 per year with faster-than-average job growth overall (2023).

There are a variety of career opportunities available to students who complete a bachelor of animal sciences, including:

  • Research technician: Support advancements in genetics, nutrition, reproduction, growth and development on behalf of food production companies, farms, processing plants, or the government; or conduct research into emerging diseases, environmental health, food safety, population health, and bioterrorism.
  • Pharmaceutical representative: market and sell pharmaceutical medications and devices to medical providers.
  • Dairy unit manager: Provide oversight of herd management, including data entry and animal care. Manage milking operations and oversee day-to-day animal health needs and related operations and records.
  • Horse breeder: Focus your understanding of genetics and conformation to select breeding stock that will product superior offspring. Assist with the care, record-keeping, and training of animals. Facilitate the marketing and promotion of stock.
  • Animal caretaker and trainer: Maintain animal cages, habitats, gear, and overall care at private and public facilities, including kennels, stables, and zoos. Trainers often gain additional certifications or on-the-job training to work with specific breeds.

As an animal sciences student at the University of Arizona, you'll explore a wide range of animal science and industry areas of study including equine science, industry and production animal systems, marketing, research, and use of animals for agriculture, entertainment, and companionship. Courses required to complete a bachelor of animals sciences are subject to change, so remember to meet with your advisor regularly to review your course plan.

Each Animal Science emphasis has a unique plan and checklist:

Animal Science students have the opportunity to experience practical learning applications in and outside the classroom with courses like:

  • Principles of Livestock Health Management
  • Physiology of Domestic Animals
  • Equine Reproductive Physiology and Management
  • Equine Nutrition and Management
  • Form and Function of the Equine Athlete
  • Cell Biology

Program emphases

Choose from four emphasis areas to make your B.S. in Animal Sciences fit your career or graduate school goals.

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