2022 Global Symposium on Racing to welcome back RTIP alumni

The Race Track Industry Program (RTIP) will host the 48th Annual Global Symposium on Racing at Loews Ventana Canyon from December 5 – December 7, 2022. The event is a principal funding source for the RTIP, with anticipated revenue of over $400,000. Given its importance to both the racing industry and to the RTIP, Program Chair Robert Hartman, said this event will build on last year’s success.”
“Our 2021 Symposium saw a double-digit percentage in attendees and we hope to continue our upward trajectory,” said Hartman. “This year, we made a strong push to reconnect with our alumni base by offering free Symposium registration and alumni-specific events.” For example, after the Tuesday’s Symposium panel sessions, RTIP graduates will be invited to the historic Mountain Oyster Club for an alumni mixer.
“The RTIP network is vast and bringing our alumni back together, some who haven’t attended the Symposium in over 30 years, will be a special moment for our Program,” said Hartman. “RTIP graduates include three of the top five leading US thoroughbred trainers and senior managers in every racing state in the country.”
Additionally, the RTIP will be hosting adjunct meetings that extended the conference an additional day, which will be helpful in attracting many first-time attendees. The Association of Racing Commissioners International (ARCI) will be holding their Winter meetings on Monday morning, December 5. These meetings attract state commissioners to discuss racing regulatory issues.
Central to this year’s agenda will be the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority’s (HISA) federally mandated race track safety and medication rules. HISA CEO, Lisa Lazarus, will provide an update on the safety protocols that went into effect on July 1, 2022 and preview the new anti-doping and medication regulations that are scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2023. Other key Symposium panel sessions include “Capitalizing on Racing’s Global Footprint”, “Advancing Equine Safety through Technology”, “Life After the Track – Second Careers and Retirement” and “Expanding Reaching’s Reach: Strategies for Diversity and Inclusion”.
The RTIP mentor luncheon is back on the schedule in 2022. RTIP students will be paired with industry leaders in a one-on-one interaction over lunch. This opportunity offers students rare industry insight, and in many cases, have led to long-term relationships with industry leaders throughout the racing industry.
CALES faculty and staff will receive FREE Symposium registration by visiting https://rtip.arizona.edu/2022-symposium Click on the REGISTER NOW button and select the alumni option. Also, be sure to use your “arizona.edu” address in the email field.
The 48th Global Symposium on Racing is expected to be the largest racing conference held in the world this year. We hope to see you there!