Fall picnic at the University of Arizona Al-Marah Equine Center

Guests explore the grounds of the UArizona Al-Marah Equine Center.
In early November, to celebrate the return of the Al-Marah Arabian herd to the University of Arizona Al-Marah Equine Center, ACBS held a fall picnic. Guests included faculty, staff, members of the Miller Family and Tankersley Trust, members of the equine community, and long-time program supporters who came to explore the updated property and learn about the plans for continuing the Al-Marah legacy. The property, formally known as Al-Marah Arabians, is located in northeast Tucson on Bear Canyon Road. With the arrival of the UArizona equine program over the summer the property was renamed but retained the Al-Marah name to pay tribute to the ranch’s great tradition of breeding and raising champion Arabian horses. The 80+ acre property features a number of different barns and pastures, both an indoor and covered arena, as well as an educational building that houses classrooms, offices and a small historical museum featuring the Al-Marah Arabian horses.
A very special thank you goes to the Ruth McCormick Tankersley Charitable Trust for the donation of the Al-Marah Arabian property and funding for the ongoing renovations.

(l-r) Wendy Davis, assisted by Dr. Betsy Greene, provides some information on the accomplishments of the Tankersley family and horses including a photo of Miss Missile (grey horse) winning her first class at the Scottsdale All Arabian Horse Show, as a young show mare, beginning her successful career and paving the way for her future offspring who are now winning national titles.

(l-r) Dr. Patricia Stock, Dean Shane Burgess, and Hanna Miller (Mrs. Tankersley’s grand-daughter) with AM Miss Missile.

The Al-Marah historical museum was open for guests to view exhibits and artwork featuring the Al-Marah Arabian horses.