New ACBS faculty in meat production and livestock judging

June 18, 2020

Dr. Duane WulfDuane Wulf, PhD

Duane Wulf, born in Morris, MN, received his BS and MS from South Dakota State University (SDSU) and his PhD from Colorado State University, all in Animal Science. Dr. Wulf held faculty positions at The Ohio State University (3 yrs) and SDSU (11 yrs), where he attained the rank of full professor. His university research focused on ante- and post-mortem factors affecting beef and pork quality, attracted numerous graduate students, and resulted in 43 refereed journal articles.

Dr. Wulf was honored several times for his teaching excellence, highlighted by the Distinguished Teaching Award from the American Meat Science Association. For the past ten years, Dr. Wulf has served as a missionary businessman in Sonora, Mexico, where he started a meat processing plant, a cattle ranch, and a restaurant, all with the purpose of providing training and career opportunities to the fatherless and underprivileged. In addition to these positions, Dr. Wulf has worked across all production and processing phases of the meat industry and has been hired as a consultant both domestically and internationally by both small and large companies.

Dr. Wulf’s position at the UArizona will be 40/40/20 Research/Teaching/Service. His research will focus on improving meat quality and safety and his teaching responsibilities will include ACBS 210 Introduction to Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation and ACBS 420 Meat Production. Dr. Wulf is fascinated with the Sonoran Desert ecosystem and has grown very fond of the culture and environment living in this unique section of earth for the past 10 years. He is excited to be back in academia and part of the land-grant mission at the University of Arizona.

Contact Dr. Wulf at


William MilashoskiWilliam Milashoski, MS

Newly appointed Assistant Professor of Practice - Livestock and Livestock Judging Coach, William “Will” Milashoski, grew up in central Illinois. He hails from an agricultural background having grown up on a diversified grain operation raising corn, soybeans, wheat, and alfalfa. Will received his BS in Animal Science and his MS in Agricultural Education from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

In his new position he will be teaching Applied Animal Nutrition, Beef Capstone, and Calving Management. Additionally, he will be leading the judging team, which involves teaching Introduction to Livestock Judging and coaching the Junior and Senior Livestock Judging Teams. The teams typically travel to anywhere between 6 to 10 national livestock judging contests a year.

About joining the University of Arizona Will says, “I look forward to the chance to do my dream job of coaching a livestock judging team. I look forward to the opportunity to develop the UArizona team and help support the youth involved in agriculture within the state.”
Will would also like everyone to know that he is always looking for students to try out for the judging team. It is a great opportunity to build decision making, reasoning, and public speaking skills. Students who choose to continue past the introductory course are very much like athletes. They practice multiple nights during the week, most weekends and compete in multiple national contests.

Contact Will at