Food Safety Consortium hosts invited speaker series

The Food Safety Consortium (FSC) hosted a Summer Invited Speaker Series to expand the knowledge of members, and foster further research collaborations. The summer months are typically slower for the group, however, with many members working virtually this year, FSC Chair, Sadhana Ravishankar, felt it provided a great opportunity to offer various presentations and continued networking for consortium members.
Speakers included Chuck Gerba with the UArizona WEST Center, Vijay Juneja speaking on predictive microbiology, Sam Garcia and Duane Wulf with the UArizona Food Product and Safety Lab, and Jean McLain speaking on antibiotic resistance.
FSC membership is free and open to anyone with an interest in food safety. The UArizona Food Safety Conference is hosted annual by the FSC and will be held virtually on Oct. 21 & 22, 2020 from 1:00pm - 4:00pm each day. The conference provides ooportunities for researchers, government agencies, students, and food safety industry members to learn about new issues in food safety and create connections for future research projects. For more information go to